Step 3: Train your skills

I probably can try to write a dozen of pages of how to train your skills. I will not. Simply because I can’t. I am not an expert and learning as well. One thing I definitely can say is never give up. No one succeeded without any failure. We learn from our mistakes. So the only thing you can do is just start and see where it goes. Just remember you are in the process of becoming the best version of your expertise on your skills.

All that said I do have some advice:

  • Start on little pieces of leather. Learn about the different types of leather. Every piece is unique, the more you know about the strength, thickness, where it is from, the better.
  • Watch tutorials about every tool you have and use them first on waste pieces of leather. Also try them on different types of leather so you can learn which tool fits the best for your future project.
  • Train your cutting skills, sewing skills. Not to make anything, only to make miles. No expert in anything has become an expert just like that. If it was that easy everyone would have done it. Everything takes a lot of training, patience, and persistence. The same goes for leather craft.
  • Do take moments to rest. I noticed that I love to be creative and enjoy being busy and concentrating on my projects. And before I knew it I lost track of time. Or was focusing on something for too long.

These are the first steps in my opinion when starting with training your skills. On the way you probably  figure out more things you would like to know or train. Take your time and go for it!



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